
3 Results / Page 1 of 1

Album Reviews

Album review “Sound Therapy” by Manjul

Analyst: Nenad Pekez Calling the album "sound therapy" is at least ambitious, if not pretentious. By doing so, you impose on yourself the pressure of the listeners who will expect "something more" from such a release than a regular album; they will expect the right therapy. Of course, all this is true if you are not Julien Souletie, a French multi-instrumentalist, producer, singer, and audio engineer better known as Manjul. He holds in his little finger technical skills and makes […]

todayNovember 24, 2021 354 2

Album Reviews

Interview with Manjul, Dub to Mali sessions

We've been blessed with an interview with one of the most gifted musicans of today, Manjul. In this interview we've talked about Manjul's early life, latest ablum sessions "Dub to Mali", life views, political situation in the world and life itself. We hope this interview will give closure to the listener about artists life and inspirational force he drives through all kind of sources in life, from religion and personal beliefs to his connection with other human beings. Which should […]

todayJuly 17, 2019 258


The story about the Legend “Yabby You” – By Dadaman

.... "Be you, yabby yabby you" .... Heard a man with dreadlocks in 1969 in Jamaica. The storm interrupted one of the many discussions he had with his Rastafarian friends about who is the true God on earth - Jesus or Haile Selassie. Trough crackling thunder, he claims, he heard voices saying: "Be you, yabby yabby you". His name was Vivan Jackson, and in the Rastafarian communes where he lived, he received, due to his religious beliefs, the frivolous nickname […]

todayMarch 11, 2018 354 1