Evidence Music

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Album Reviews

Album Review: Micah Shemaiah – Jamaica Jamaica

Analyst: Nenad Pekez MIcah Shemaiah - JAMAICA JAMAICA Nenad PekezWhat do you get when you combine today’s most promising Jamaican reggae singer with one of Europe’s finest production and publishing houses? We get a killer album, “Jamaica Jamaica,” the fifth studio release of the young Micah Shemaiah and an outstanding example of the perspective and future of roots music, which is suppressed in the mainstream by various shunts that cry out for the hunt and the authorization of those hustlers […]

todayApril 21, 2023 244 3


“Bad Boy” novi video Johnny Osbourne-a i Evidence Music

Švajcarska diskografska kuća "Evidence Music" predstavila nam je, od 24. aprila, novi singl jamajkanskog veterana Johnnyja Osbourna pod nazivom "Bad Boy". Ova pjesma ima vrlo posebnu priču o kojoj ću vam pisati u ovom tekstu. Snimljena početkom 90-ih originalni bend numere „Bad Boy“ se izgubio. U istraživanju drugih projekata, tim Evidence Music naletio je nedovršeni projekat "Bad Boy" prošle godine u Portmoreu (Jamajka), u sjedištu diskografske kuće "Top Secret Music". Budući da su bili sigurni da su pronašli pravo blago, […]

todayApril 30, 2020 31


New video “Bad Boy” by Johnny Osbourne and Evidence Music

  The Swiss label Evidence Music has presented us, since April 24, a new single from Jamaican veteran Johnny Osbourne entitled "Bad Boy". This track has a very special story that I will tell you about this step. Recorded in the early 90 s the band of "Bad Boy" was lost. In research for other projects, the Evidence Music team fell on it last year in Portmore (Jamaica) at the Top Secret Music label headquarters. Being sure to have found […]

todayApril 30, 2020 70 1