FC Apatride UTD

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Balkanski Rege

“Third Worldism” novi album FC Apatride UTD

Srpski reggae sastav "FC Apatride UTD" u posljednje dvije godine je naporno radio. Prošlo je manje od godinu dana od njihovog posljednjeg albuma "Roots History Book", a već su izdali još jedan dragulj. Nov album pod nazivom "Third Worldism" snimljen je u amsterdamskom "Earth Works" studiju. Oba ova albuma imaju sličan cilj, predstaviti istorijske činjenice iz ugla običnog radnog čovjeka, daleko od zapadne propagande. Tekst u "Third Worldism" govori o monopolu u sivjetu, tlačenju nižih klasa, kolonijalnom mentalitetu, gangsterima koji […]

todayApril 27, 2020 65

Album Reviews

FC Apatride UTD’s new album “Third Worldism” promotion on Regganeracija at 20:00h CET

Serbian reggae band "FC Apatride UTD" has been working hard in the past two years. Less then a year from their previous album "Roots History Book", they've released yet another gem. A new album labeled "Third Worldism" recorded by the "Earth Works Studio" records. Both of these albums have a similar goal, presenting history facts from an angle of a common working man, away from the western propaganda. Lyrics in "Third Worldism" are about the monopoly in the world, oppression […]

todayJanuary 29, 2019 164
