Hornsman Coyote

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Album Reviews

“Breathing Fyah” new album by Hornsman Coyote

At the moment most recognized and respected name in the reggae world that's coming from the Balkans surely is Nemanja Kojic a.k.a Hornsman Coyote. He's been contributing so much to the Balkan reggae scene that his legacy will be a inspiration to the future generations that will come. This superb trombonist has built his own style that is known world wide, which was a ladder to legendary reggae stars like Lee Scratch Perry, Max Romeo, Jah Mason, Lutan Fyah as […]

todayApril 26, 2020 262 1 3

Balkanski Rege

“Breathing Fyah” novi album Nemanje Kojića -Kojota

Trenutno najprepoznatljivije ime sa ovih prostora u rege svijetu je svakako "Hornsman Coyote", toliko je uradio za rege na ovim prostorima da će njegova zaostavština dugo ostati da motiviše generacije koje nadolaze. Ovaj vrsni trombonista izgradio je stil po kome je prepoznat nadaleko, što ga je i dovelo u sitaciju da sarađuje sa najvećim imenima rege današnjice kao što su Lee Scracth Perry, Max Romeo,Jah Mason, Lutan Fyah kao i mnogim drugim renomiranim rege izvođačima. Kod nas je svakako najprepoznatljiviji […]

todayApril 16, 2020 100

Balkanski Rege

Hornsman Coyote je objavio novi video – Tone of Your Voice

Hornsman Coyote reggae izvođač iz Beograda objavio je svoj novi spot "Tone of Your Voice" koji je singl sa novog albuma "Sevengreen". Digitalna kopija se može kupiti na ovom Linku music (Sam Gilly, Manfred Scheer, Herb Pirker, Motasem Billah Syed) lyrics, vocal harmonies, horns arrangement (Nemanja Kojic) Nemanja (Hornsman Coyote) Kojic - Lead vocal, trombone Djurdjica Vali Gajic - Backing vocals Herb Pirker - Guitars Parvez Syed - Keyboards Manfred Scheer - Bass Sam Gilly - Drums, percussions

todayNovember 9, 2017 59

Balkans Reggae

Hornsman Coyote released a new video – Tone of your voice

Serbian reggae artist Hornsman Coyote released a new video "Tone of your voice" which is a part of the new album "Sevengreen". Digital purchase of the songs/album can be found on This Link music (Sam Gilly, Manfred Scheer, Herb Pirker, Motasem Billah Syed) lyrics, vocal harmonies, horns arrangement (Nemanja Kojic) Nemanja (Hornsman Coyote) Kojic - Lead vocal, trombone Djurdjica Vali Gajic - Backing vocals Herb Pirker - Guitars Parvez Syed - Keyboards Manfred Scheer - Bass Sam Gilly - Drums, […]

todayNovember 7, 2017 139
