I Grade Music

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Micah Shemaiah still

Album Reviews

New album by Micah Shemaiah “Still”

Micah Shemaiah and a new album. New production, new house. I said, "Excellent."But before I start listening to his album and writing this review, let's play the "Keep on keeping on" song. The song that put Micah on my radar. To make it my norm and guide for what I will write about this whole album.Micah Shemaiah usually walks around our radio station through collaborations (Hornsman Coyote), promotional houses, publishing houses. We were there when he was with our old […]

todayOctober 30, 2021 554 3

Vaugn Benjamin, Bagnols-sur-Cèze 2012

Breaking News

Vaughn Benjamin, passing of a legend who made music that did not sound like a music business

We have been preparing for a long time to write this text, and we simply must not remain idle, beyond all emotions. And I don't know why tonight I've chosen to write it down, but it will be in one breath. Vaughn Benjamin, founder of "Midnite" and "Akae Beka" left us on the fourth of November 2019 at the age of fifty. The exact reason for his death was never stated, there are only rumors that Vaughn had been ill […]

todayApril 26, 2020 83814 11

Vaugn Benjamin, Bagnols-sur-Cèze 2012


Von Bendžamin, odlazak velikana koji je pravio razliku, i na kraju podjelio vrijeme

Jako dugo se spremamo da napišemo ovaj tekst, i jednostavno ne smijemo ostati dužni, mimo svih emocija. I ne znam zašto baš noćas, ali biće, i to u dahu. Von Bendžamin, osnivač "Midnite" i "Akae Beka" napustio nas je četvrtog novembra 2019 godine u svojoj pedesetoj godini. Tačan razlog njegove smrti nikada nije naveden, postoje samo pretpostavke da je Von bio bolestan već neko vrijeme (i to od tumora). Ali razlozi nisu bitni, čovjek je neumorno radio, od svoje desete […]

todayDecember 26, 2019 602 3