
5 Results / Page 1 of 1

Album Reviews

Album review “Sound Therapy” by Manjul

Analyst: Nenad Pekez Calling the album "sound therapy" is at least ambitious, if not pretentious. By doing so, you impose on yourself the pressure of the listeners who will expect "something more" from such a release than a regular album; they will expect the right therapy. Of course, all this is true if you are not Julien Souletie, a French multi-instrumentalist, producer, singer, and audio engineer better known as Manjul. He holds in his little finger technical skills and makes […]

todayNovember 24, 2021 354 2


“From My Soul” new song by Cornell Campbell and Manjul

Everything is prepared in the kitchen of Baco Records. After a period of stagnation, this publishing house decided to start a total expansion.To remind you, this year, Baco Records was joined by reggae scene legend Pablo Moses and rising star Lila Iké.However, this news is about Manjul's new album "Sound Therapy." "Sound Therapy" is composed of compilations by various artists such as Clinton Fearon, Cornell Campbell, Cedric Myton, Tikok Vellaye, Baco Mourchid, Ciryl Atef, Jupiter and Okwess, Valerie Tribord…So Manjul, […]

todayOctober 25, 2021 274 1 2

Album Reviews

Interview with Manjul, Dub to Mali sessions

We've been blessed with an interview with one of the most gifted musicans of today, Manjul. In this interview we've talked about Manjul's early life, latest ablum sessions "Dub to Mali", life views, political situation in the world and life itself. We hope this interview will give closure to the listener about artists life and inspirational force he drives through all kind of sources in life, from religion and personal beliefs to his connection with other human beings. Which should […]

todayJuly 17, 2019 258

Album Reviews

Manjul – the third session of compilation “Dub to Mali” is out (Baco Records)

For those who haven't heard earlier about this great musician - it's time to discover his work. Short bio: To begin with, who is Manjul? Manjul is a French reggae / dub-multi instrumentationist born in Paris in 1976. When he was seven years old he began playing violin and at 14 he devoted himself to the Rastafarianism - attracted by its music and culture. A little later, he met a Mahoran musician, Baco Mourchid, who had his own studio. In […]

todayJune 17, 2019 155 1


Manjul – treća sezona kompilacije “Dub to Mali” najavljena za 31 Maj (Baco Records)

Za sve one koji se tek susreću s ovim vrsnim muzičarem - vrijeme je da otkrijete njegovu muziku. Kratki bio: Za početak, ko je Mandžul? Mandžul je francuski reggae/dub - multi instrumentionista rođen u Parizu 1976. Sa svojih 7 godina je počeo da svira violinu a sa 14 je prešao u Rastafarijanstvo privučen muzikom i kulturom. Nešto kasnije upoznaje mahorijanskog muzičara Bako Morčajlda koji ima sopstvenu izdavačku kuću - Bako Rekords. U početku Mandžul je dolazio u studio, posmatrao, slušao […]

todayMay 29, 2019 38