Nga Han

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“Nazarene” novi singl Nga Han-a

Rege izvođač Nga Han koj originalno potiče sa Garden Parish-a, Green Hill distrikta Jamajke a trenutno živi u Kaliforniji, objavio je još jedan singl pod imenom "Nazarene". Neposredno nakon singla "Go Down". Oba ova singla izdata su od strane Roots Unity Music a snimljena su u amsterdamskom studiju "Earth Works", studiju koji obogaćuje ruts rege scenu s raznim potpuno novim ruts rege bendovima i pjesmama. Sjećam se kad sam prvi put čuo pjesmu "Go Down", hipnotizirajuću melodiju s dubokim pratećim […]

todayApril 27, 2020 53


Nazarene, new single by Nga Han

  The song is the first in a series of collaborations between Nga Han , Roots Unity Music Earth Works Studio & friends,to be presented together on the upcoming album " The Living Stream : Chapter One"This single is the first taste of the upcoming works. You can listen to the song on Nga Han's bandcamp, and if you like it support the artist by buying the digital copy. Bandcamp link HERE Author: Jah Tooth  

todayApril 24, 2020 210


Nga Han & The Signal One Band released a single “Go Down” (Earth Works Amsterdam)

After their debut album "David Stone" in 2018, Nga Han & The Signal One Band have released a new single "Go Down" produced by Earth Works Studio and arranged by Ben King while music is by Rej Forte. This mesmerizing song has a slow and deadly rhythm followed by dark backing vocals while Nga Han sings like he's meditating while singing. It makes us really happy that even in these times there is some good quality roots reggae with some […]

todaySeptember 19, 2019 50
