The Next Generation

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Intervju sa Harison Stafordom iz grupe “Groundation”

Prije nešto više od tri mjeseca imali smo priliku da uradimo intervju sa jednom od najvećih imena u rege muzici generalno, Harison Stafordom. Za one koji nisu čuli, Harison je osnivač i vodeći vokal grupe "Groundation" kao i njegovog solo projekta "Professor". Što se tiče same grupe, "Groundation" je definitivno sastav u najvećem mogućem vrhu kad je u pitanju muzička potkovanost. Bilo da se radilo o muzičkom aranžmanu, audio inžinjeringu, ili samim muzičarima i njihovom vještinom vladanja instrumentima. Radi se […]

todayJanuary 18, 2019 41


Interview with Harrison Stafford from Groundation

On September 28th we had honor and privilege to make an interview with a living legend, Harrison Stafford himself. For those who by any chance haven't heard of this great man, Harrison is the founder and lead singer of the legendary group "Groundation" as well as "Professor" his solo project. In the very interview we're talking about "Groundation" tour in France which at that time was upcoming, legendary audio engineer Jim Fox, latest album "The Next Generation", new group members […]

todayJanuary 18, 2019 380