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Album Reviews

New Marcus Gad album “Brave New World”

todayNovember 13, 2021 208 5 5

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Marcus Gad‘s new album “Brave New World” comes to us after the release of a couple of singles, “Tempo” and “Sunshine.” And after the review of “Rythm of Serenity,” we have the honor to deal with this work as well.

But before we start with the review of the album itself, I want to bring out one anecdote.

I recently spoke with the singer of FC Apatride UTD. He told me one fascinating detail while releasing an album for the French house “Makasound.”

Namely, the duo who ran that house received a lot of material in physical form in the form of CDs and cassettes. Because at that time, the internet was not so widespread. To listen to all the material that arrives, they had to have some criteria. And that criterion or condition was that the first two songs from the album must sound authentic to listen to the rest of the album.
And I wholeheartedly appropriated that criterion.

What I can say with pleasure is that Marcus Gad is unique and authentic. Not just with “Brave New World” or any previous album, but in general.

Marcus, please continue to be authentic for all who listen to this musical genre if you read this. Because authenticity is a real rarity in today’s reggae and music in general.

Marcus Gad: Bandcamp

album review

Brave New World

This is not a difficult album to review because I am a big fan of reggae and hip hop. And this album is just a combination of those two directions.

You get the wondering feeling in front of every Marcus Album: “Okay, what did he create this time?

The track that opens the album is “Brave New World.” which we would call “a bomb” here in Montenegro. And no wonder the album is named after her.

The keyboard, percussion, bass, and various musical fillings accompany Marcus’ vocals as he speaks to us. And he tells us about today’s ‘brave’ world where the governments of the world play “God” using various technologies such as face recognition, all to control the population. Using all the evil inventions like nuclear radiation, restructuring DNA, will we allow artificial intelligence to rule the world? Marcus wonders.

Then “Sunshine“. There is not much to describe and tell, it’s a killer.

And the song that made various DJs start asking me, “When’s that Marcus album going?” is definitely “Tempo.”
This Moroccan hip-hop vibe is simply rising out of place. And it is an utterly unexpected work, at least for me, by a Caledonian artist. If someone had told me the ingredients of this song before I heard it and put it together into a composition, I couldn’t have had this vision.

Of course, this song goes beyond music. Beyond what we promote on our radio station, those opinions can be divided. But what cannot be taken away is the creativity and quality of the collaboration between Tamal and Marcus Gad.

What’s further extraordinary is that it occurred to someone to record an album at 432 hertz. It is a frequency considered to be more natural and corresponds to the “beat” of the planet and nature. The seventh track, “One Day” on the album, it starts with a 432-hertz frequency.

Not to lengthen and go into detail more than necessary, just listen to “Brave New World” and support Marcus Gad and what he does. Pay attention to the lyrics because more is being done here than music.

Marcus Gad: Website | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube

Tamal: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Easy Star Records: Facebook | Instagram | Website

Author: Jah Tooth

Written by: reggaeneracija

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