Virgin Islands

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Album Reviews

Album Review: Haile Israel – A Griot’s Journey

Biography I must admit that I first heard of Haile Israel when I researched the biography of Jalani Horton. Through the prism of Bambu Station, I also discovered Tuff Lion, and there is a similarity between the two musicians.Hailey Israel is a guitar master who was also the music director/guitarist for the legendary spiritual/nyabinghi band "Ras Michael and The Sons of Negus." If I'm not mistaken, he embarked on a solo career in 2016. The first album is "Each One […]

todayMarch 31, 2022 4371 4

Vaugn Benjamin, Bagnols-sur-Cèze 2012


Von Bendžamin, odlazak velikana koji je pravio razliku, i na kraju podjelio vrijeme

Jako dugo se spremamo da napišemo ovaj tekst, i jednostavno ne smijemo ostati dužni, mimo svih emocija. I ne znam zašto baš noćas, ali biće, i to u dahu. Von Bendžamin, osnivač "Midnite" i "Akae Beka" napustio nas je četvrtog novembra 2019 godine u svojoj pedesetoj godini. Tačan razlog njegove smrti nikada nije naveden, postoje samo pretpostavke da je Von bio bolestan već neko vrijeme (i to od tumora). Ali razlozi nisu bitni, čovjek je neumorno radio, od svoje desete […]

todayDecember 26, 2019 532 2
